
Forfeiture for Competition Agreement – Can it Replace a Non-Compete Agreement?

Employers seeking to prevent employees from competing when an employment relationship terminates, typically do so through a non-compete agreement.  Non-compete agreements, however, have been subject...

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Providing Reference Information and (an Unsuccessful) Effort in New Hampshire to Legislate Employer Immunity

The conventional wisdom for many attorneys providing HR law counseling to their employer clients is to advise those clients to adopt a policy not to...

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How to Handle A Complaint of Discrimination or Harassment

Employers and employees need to be mindful in how a complaint is made and investigated.  An employee should follow the procedure in any employee handbook...

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Responding to Employee Requests for Greater Flexibility

Employees juggling the ever-increasing demands of professional life and personal responsibilities continue to seek more flexible work hours and “telework” options.  When responding to such...

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Employers Affected By Change in New Hampshire Wage Law

New Hampshire employers who have routinely paid employees on a bi-weekly basis may have been operating outside of state law and unaware that they were...

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