Anticipating OSHA’s Upcoming HCS Update

The delay in releasing OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) update wasn’t all that surprising. Instead of the anticipated February 2019 release, rulemaking is now on...

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Whistleblower Protection Law is Complicated

The word “whistleblower” is certainly being bandied about a lot these days, and it’s increasingly apparent to me that there’s some confusion out there about...

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7 Things You Must Consider Before Contesting an OSHA Citation

Have you been issued an OSHA citation? Do you believe it is undeserved or misguided? When does a challenge make sense? When does it make...

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Is a General Contractor Responsible For a Subcontractors’ Safety Mistake?

OSHA seems to be highly predictable when issuing citations on a large multi-employer jobsite. They tend to cite both the offending subcontractor and the general...

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Federal Heat Stress Standards Are On The Horizon

US House Democrats released a bill in early July that, if passed, would direct OSHA, over the next two years, to develop federal standards on...

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