Family Law

Is Electronically Stored Information (ESI) Relevant? (part 2 of a series on this topic)

In the first blog in this series, I discussed how to overcome hearsay when attempting to introduce electronically stored information (ESI).  This blog discusses the...

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When Can Electronically Stored Information (ESI) Be Introduced Into Evidence? (part 1 of a series on this topic)

The concept of introducing electronically stored information (ESI) is no longer a novel one for attorneys, especially in divorce matters.  Text messages, emails, social media...

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Can a parent compel the disclosure of a child’s therapy records in a parenting dispute?

Generally, a parent may not compel the disclosure of a child’s therapy records in the context of a parenting dispute. The N.H. Supreme Court addressed...

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Understanding “First Appearance” in Divorce

The filing of a Petition for Divorce triggers several deadlines and obligations.  These deadlines and obligations are explained in the packet of service paperwork that...

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What Does A Court Consider In Modifying Or Renewing An Alimony Order?

Alimony is governed by N.H. RSA 458:19. With a petition to the court and proper notice to the other party, a court may modify an...

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