Attorneys Arnold, Forbes, White Join Orr & Reno

by Mike DeBlasi | February 1, 2022 12:20 am

Orr & Reno welcomes shareholder John Arnold[1], attorney Nicole Forbes[2], and attorney Emily White[3] to the law firm. Arnold’s practice will focus on commercial real estate, Forbes will concentrate on family law, while White specializes in immigration law.

“The addition of John Arnold to our real estate group, Emily White to lead our immigration team and Nicole Forbes for our family law group enhances our depth in key firm disciplines with the highest quality talent. We feel blessed to be able to attract such great talent to Orr & Reno. It portends well for our future,” says Orr & Reno President Peter Burger[4].

  1. John Arnold:
  2. Nicole Forbes:
  3. Emily White:
  4. Peter Burger:

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